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(Another try...)
Post by Steve LittI've taken many 600 mile one day trips and only once had a serious car
problem. On planes, I regularly have delays, missed connections,
almost-lost wallets while putting myself back together after stripping
for the feds, and for the past five years I've never had a plane trip
that involved less than four hours of non-plane time. And you guys are
driving 3 hours just to get to Orlando.
Well, Jax to Louisville is rather more than 600 miles. The shortest
practical route by road is I-10 -> I-75 -> I-24 -> I-65 via Atlanta,
Chattanooga and Nashville. It's 767 miles (11 hours 19 mins) according t
Google Maps. That's a loooong drive if you have to be alert for a class
the next day. Not that it's not doable, just no fun.
In their case, they can get a direct flight from Orlando to Louisville, s
they don't have to worry about missed connections. And although in this
case they can car-pool, if they were making the trip individually at
current gas prices, they could probably fly cheaper than they could drive
I hope to be there myself, and I will be driving, though in my case I now
live in Kentucky anyway, so it's only about 200 miles for me.
Post by Steve LittIf you drive, you're pretty darn sure you'll get there on time. In a
plane, not so much.
I try to avoid flying too, if only out of protest at the ridiculous TSA
crap. Although I'm a Linux Geek for my day job, I'm a firearms instructo
in my copious free time, so pretty much everything I have is likely to
contain traces of powder residue, etc...
However, in their case I would say flying makes sense. Louisville
International airport is only about 6 miles from where the class is being
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