Paul Spicer
2013-05-13 21:25:19 UTC
Alright, I'm not entirely sure what the best way to word this is, but I'm
going to take a stab at it...
What I'm trying to find out is how to set up a Linux server to act as a
proxy / redirect machine for a specific server.
Here's the scenario: We have a remote site ( connected to our
local network ( through OpenVPN. At that site, we have a server
( Locally, we can connect and communicate with this server
with no problems. Thing is, that remote site doesn't have a static public
IP address. Our thoughts: use one of the static IPs available to us locally
and forward traffic to the remote server, thus allowing outside access.
Problem is, while OpenVPN will forward the internet traffic to that server
just fine, that remote server is trying to send it's reply to the public
address that made the request (and not through the VPN tunnel).
My thought was to set up a server on our local network that would do
nothing but act as a proxy for the remote server. The public address will
forward to this proxy and all traffic will route to the remote server,
appearing to originate from the local network. The remote server will reply
as it should and the proxy will feed the information back to the requesting
public address.
A crude diagram of what I'm trying to accomplish:
(internet)---[Local network]---[proxy/redirect]---{VPN}---[remote server]
I can not find any how-tos or tutorials explaining how to do what I want. I
found numerous proxy tutorials as well as tutorials on how to redirect
traffic, but nothing combining the two into one convenient server.
So, does anyone have any idea what I'm trying to accomplish and have any
going to take a stab at it...
What I'm trying to find out is how to set up a Linux server to act as a
proxy / redirect machine for a specific server.
Here's the scenario: We have a remote site ( connected to our
local network ( through OpenVPN. At that site, we have a server
( Locally, we can connect and communicate with this server
with no problems. Thing is, that remote site doesn't have a static public
IP address. Our thoughts: use one of the static IPs available to us locally
and forward traffic to the remote server, thus allowing outside access.
Problem is, while OpenVPN will forward the internet traffic to that server
just fine, that remote server is trying to send it's reply to the public
address that made the request (and not through the VPN tunnel).
My thought was to set up a server on our local network that would do
nothing but act as a proxy for the remote server. The public address will
forward to this proxy and all traffic will route to the remote server,
appearing to originate from the local network. The remote server will reply
as it should and the proxy will feed the information back to the requesting
public address.
A crude diagram of what I'm trying to accomplish:
(internet)---[Local network]---[proxy/redirect]---{VPN}---[remote server]
I can not find any how-tos or tutorials explaining how to do what I want. I
found numerous proxy tutorials as well as tutorials on how to redirect
traffic, but nothing combining the two into one convenient server.
So, does anyone have any idea what I'm trying to accomplish and have any